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When Tonner introduced Ellowyn Wilde dolls, I was not enchanted from the get-go.

I found the big head and smaller body odd and being a fashion designer and illustrator, I found the proportions weird.

In 2010, I was in Israel and looking at magazine I saw some artwork by an artist that painted females with big heads and smaller bodies. I liked it and thought of Ellowyn as a great sample to try applying the mood of the artwork I saw, on the doll.

When I got back, I got an Ello doll and repainted her in a similar fashion as the painting I saw. She is the one you see featured on top.

Of course, as a doll collector, she was just the first.

Many Ellowynn's came through my studio.

I repainted all of them, dressed them and sold on Ebay.

Now for the purpose of this blog.

As a designer, I look for the doll to decide which kind of fashion will work best for her.

Some dolls are high fashion models and can wear everything I design for them; some are very particular in what will work for them.

Ellowynn is one of those dolls that I see as a period model.

She wears period fashion beautifully and some high-end fashion, but for me she is not a fashion model in the true sense of the word, she is a period model and as such I always designed romantic, soft reminiscent of a period fashion.

And then it was over. Tonner ended the Ellowynn line, and she became a doll in the history of dolls that were. That until Rachel Hoffman with Robert Tonner revived the doll.

At least this is what I figured out and if I am wrong, please accept my apologies and correct me.

Rachel, who has a doll store created the Virtual doll convention, during covid and Ellowyn was reborn.

She looks a bit different; her face is slimmer, and she is mostly wigged, not my favorite, but her body is the same and she has a whole new story line.

I haven't gotten any of the new ones yet. I must admit that they are beyond my price range at this point, but I have ten that I keep, so there are plenty of models to work with.

I created some fashion for her under the name Welcome back Ellowynn, and some of the fashion is still available on my site.

I have decided to create a new line of fashion for her. I will concentrate on 30's and 50's look with some updated modifications, but the look is going to be period and soft and romantic, the way Ellowynn looks best.

Stay tuned for updates as the line comes along.

Live long and prosper.



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